There are all different kinds of spiders you might find around your home or office building. Just some of the spider types you may encounter include: brown recluse, daddy longlegs, hobo, wolf, jumping, and even the dreaded black widow.
Because there are so many different types of spiders in the world, it’s important to know which type is lurking inside your building if you want to treat them effectively. Some like moisture and are therefore found in damp parts of buildings such as basements and crawl spaces. Others prefer to be in dry, warm areas and you’ll find them lingering in corners of rooms or attics and even around floor vents.
If you were to ask a group of people what their fears were, it’s almost guaranteed that someone is going to say spiders. For this reason, no one wants to deal with having spiders hanging out inside their home or their office building, which is why it’s important to have a professional deal with the issue.
How We Work
Spiders can enter the home in a variety of ways. They could come in through open windows and doors or make their way through cracks and gaps around door and window frames. If you bring something in from outside, you may inadvertently bring them in with you.
In order to effectively deal with a spider issue, you’ll need to seek help from a professional exterminator who can help you figure out how the spiders are getting in. Unfortunately, store-bought sprays just aren’t going to a good enough job at getting rid of all the arachnids you have and preventing new ones from making their way inside.
We can help rid your space of these pests and we’ll do so by first conducting an inspection of your home or office. It’s important that we know what kind of spiders are making their way inside so we know what type of environment they thrive in and can treat them accordingly by spraying around outside and treating for them indoors. We can also help to locate any potential areas where they might be entering the building to prevent any others from coming inside.
To schedule a free inspection and get your free estimate, contact Select Exterminating today!

Dealing With Multiple Pests? Check Our Our Pest Protection Plans!
Our protection packages eliminate pests from your home in the short term and keep your home pest free in the long term.
- SilverGoldPlatinum
- Common Ants
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Roaches (American, German, Oriental)
- Water Bugs
- Centipedes
- Mice
- Rats
- Millipedes
- Earwigs
- Crickets
- Stinging Insects
- Carpenter Ants
- Termite Monitoring
- Squirrels (Interior)
- Racoons (Interior)
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