Our Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs Are On The Job! If you believe you might have a bedbug problem and you do not want to have a treatment performed without verifying that you have an active bedbug problem, Select Exterminating uses Certified Canine Scent Detection Dogs that are certified by the NESDCA (National Entomological Scent Detection Canine Association) to come into your home or business to determine if bedbugs exist.
Our K9 bed bug inspections dogs have been used by the armed services and law enforcement to find missing persons, drugs, explosives, etc. Scent detection dogs have been used for years for termite inspections as well. Our K9 bed bug inspections dogs have been able to positively identify a single bedbug in a structure. This is much more comprehensive than a visual inspection with an inspector.
To schedule one of our dogs for your K9 Bed Bug Inspections, contact Select Exterminating! We offer free estimates.

Dealing With Multiple Pests? Check Our Our Pest Protection Plans!
Our protection packages eliminate pests from your home in the short term and keep your home pest free in the long term.
- SilverGoldPlatinum
- Common Ants
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Roaches (American, German, Oriental)
- Water Bugs
- Centipedes
- Mice
- Rats
- Millipedes
- Earwigs
- Crickets
- Stinging Insects
- Carpenter Ants
- Termite Monitoring
- Squirrels (Interior)
- Racoons (Interior)
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