Do You Have A Cricket Infestation? We Can Help!
A relative to the grasshopper, crickets can be pesky little bugs, especially if they find their way into your home or office. Not only do they hop around, but the sound of their chirping can be quite frustrating when you’re unable to escape it. This can quickly become distracting if they’ve found their way into your office space or if they’re in your home at night while you’re trying to sleep.
Unfortunately, because crickets dislike cold weather, they often make their way inside buildings to stay warm. You’re more likely to notice crickets coming inside once summer comes to an end and the temperatures outdoors start dropping.
The good news is, crickets are not dangerous to you or your family. They won’t bite or harm you in any way. Crickets may, however, damage your clothing, carpet, and other fabrics by eating holes in them. Some of them may eat paper, rubber, and fruits and veggies. Even crickets that live outside your building can become problematic as they often eat your plants. To prevent this, you’ll want to act fast when it comes to ridding your home or office of a cricket infestation.
How We Work
The first step in treating your cricket infestation is locating their nest. If the crickets are located inside, they’re often discovered living near the kitchen, in the basement, inside a fireplace, and sometimes within the crevices of walls. They thrive in environments that are both warm and moist. We will need to locate the nest first in order to determine where to direct our attention and to figure out what type of cricket we are dealing with.
Once the nest has been located, the next step is to use a flushing agent in order to break down the nest. We can also spray a protective barrier around the outside of your building to prevent crickets from finding new nesting spots outside your home or office. The spray we’ll use is much more powerful than anything you’ll find at the store. This will get rid of your infestation and prevent them from coming back for a while.
If you’re dealing with a cricket infestation and are fed up with the chirping, contact us today to discuss your options.

Dealing With Multiple Pests? Check Our Our Pest Protection Plans!
Our protection packages eliminate pests from your home in the short term and keep your home pest free in the long term.
- SilverGoldPlatinum
- Common Ants
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Roaches (American, German, Oriental)
- Water Bugs
- Centipedes
- Mice
- Rats
- Millipedes
- Earwigs
- Crickets
- Stinging Insects
- Carpenter Ants
- Termite Monitoring
- Squirrels (Interior)
- Racoons (Interior)
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