Do You Have A Bird Problem? We Can Help!
Although birds are beautiful creatures whose chirping can often be quite pleasant, they can sometimes become a nuisance to your property. Birds become problematic for home owners when they decide to create their nests on your home. Unfortunately, nests have the tendency to clog drains, which can be an inconvenience for you as you’ll wind up having to hire someone to clean them.
And when birds have chosen your house as their new resting place, they’ll likely leave behind a lot of droppings. While that might not seem like such a big deal, these droppings can actually carry infectious diseases that can be harmful to you and your family. Besides being an eyesore, those droppings can even corrode parts of your building. For these reasons, it’s very important to deal with a bird issue as soon as possible.
How We Work
Fortunately, we specialize in handling the pesky birds that have become a problem for your property. The best part is that we are able to do this without killing any birds because we know exactly how to deal with them.
We first like to determine what type of bird you’re dealing with. Many birds have some protection due to the Migratory Bird Act. Pigeons, starlings, and sparrows are the only birds that are not covered within this protected group.
Once we’ve determined what type of bird we’re dealing with, we examine the area in which they’re gathering in order to choose our best course of action. There are a variety of things we can do to keep birds away and the one we choose will depend on your unique situation.
The most common solutions for dealing with birds are: bird spikes, bird coil, bird wire, and bird netting. The spikes, coil, and wire can all be adapted to the area in which they need to be applied. Netting is ideal for large, open spaces. The final option for keeping birds away is the use of bird shock strips. These strips are applied to the area in which they gather and will train the birds not to land there anymore.
If you’re dealing with nuisance birds and want to get the situation under control, contact us today to discuss your options.

Dealing With Multiple Pests? Check Our Our Pest Protection Plans!
Our protection packages eliminate pests from your home in the short term and keep your home pest free in the long term.
- SilverGoldPlatinum
- Common Ants
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Roaches (American, German, Oriental)
- Water Bugs
- Centipedes
- Mice
- Rats
- Millipedes
- Earwigs
- Crickets
- Stinging Insects
- Carpenter Ants
- Termite Monitoring
- Squirrels (Interior)
- Racoons (Interior)
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