From lunchrooms to locker rooms, class rooms to bathrooms, lunch time to snack time—and everywhere and every time in between — public and private schools are the perfect habitat and breeding grounds for insects.
Because kids come together at school from a variety of different living environments, they can bring with them a multitude of unwanted pests, like bed bugs, ticks, roaches, fleas, ants, and more.
And once those insects get it the building, it doesn’t take much for a few annoying bugs to turn into a full-blown infestation. That’s why it’s important for your school to have a pest management plan in place to reduce risk, and an extermination plan in place to deal with bugs before they become a big problem.
The expert technicians at Select Exterminating can perform a top to bottom inspection of your schools, and identify existing and potential future infestation issues. Our team will come up with a plan to address those issues now, and in the future to keep your kids and buildings safe and pest-free.
Contact Select Exterminating today to schedule an inspection and get a free estimate.